Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog world Persona

How different is some one is blog world personality from the real world one? Is it what they want to project or the one that they really are or it is what they think they are?

How tough would the first one be to do it on a regular basis in a space as personal as blog.
If it is what they think they are - based on some blogs - how delusional.

The middle ones are ok, I think.


  1. I think you will love this film.



  2. Praveen: Will check it out sometime, is it as good as TZP?

  3. I thought blogs were for people who had no clue who they are !
    Of course, I can only talk for myself.

  4. LG:
    Most of us have no clue who we are!

    But these blogs are trying to be what they are not - i guess a bit of living online what i cant in real life.
