The words RIP has never had any meaning in my mind, so I wont be able to use that. I do believe in God and the girl should have lived. Lived the life she wanted - if she wanted marriage and kids, that what she should have got or whatever she wanted out of life. She wanted to live, she should have.
1. Govt flew her to singapore and she got the best of the facility, couple of rape cases in the country - one of the 13 yr old girl who died in Tuticorin and another case in bihar are treated with prompt attention - these wouldnt have happened without the continuous protests in delhi. Thanks to all of them.
2. Name of the Girl hasnt come out till date. In a Country which routinely kills the like of Satyendra dubey( by releasimg his name from the very offices of the Prime Minister when he had specifically requested in the letter not to), this is a big big big step. But a basic one. Fundamental right.
3. Even with whole country protesting, if even one of the accused had been even remotely connected to congress party( like a politicans bil's cobrother's son), no arrest would have been made. These guys were nobody so were arrested immediately.
4. Journalist like barkha dutt would go around writing how people are protesting only because it is affecting the middle class so would the JNU graduates. Because middle class to them is a disgusting word. Not to me.
To me, this appears to have been a breaking point. There is only so much we can take.
On a side note, Ranbir kapoor should shut up on any non film related issue. I didnt know these dump grandkids of yester year hindi actors lived in utopia that can only exist for them. Next time ask him to accompany you to police station, enjoy the utopia.
5. Delhi is the worst when it comes to woman. As a woman who has gone through a lot at ages when she had no idea of what it is to be a woman, I would say of all the horror stories i hear from my friends from different corners of India, delhi is hands down the worst.
6. "Activists from women’s groups say it is important to speak of rape not as the ruination of a life, but as a horrific act that one can survive and move on from. “There is this tendency to equate rape with the end of the girl’s life, which sends a very counterproductive message,”
I will repeat this again and again, a crime was committed against a woman, she can survive and move on with life. I hardly see this, people in india still consider it as an end. It is an end to the perpetrator of the crime.
7. I dont think India needs stricter punishment against rape. The problem here is with the courts and policemen who dont do their job properly. Current laws do prescribe punishment for rape.
But, One of the opt repeated statement is men cant help it. There are loads of men who are perfectly able to control their urges. Women too.
It is for those Men who cant help, should be helped with castration. This is employed as a solution for perpetual sex offenders in USA. That is the only change in law that would be required.
This isnt a momentary emotional response but rather an analytical one.
9. There are some who point out the repressed attitude towards sex in India as a reason but I dont think these men would get any in any culture. It would involve charming a woman or atleast attracting her for a one night stand - psychos like these wont be able to pull that off.
10. Mob culture would lead to anarchy, lawlessness, innocent victims being affected and unnecessary property damage. We have already witnessed the effects through shiva sena's, PMK, DMK and other political parties antics.
Inspite of the above points, I feel good about India's protests through the anna hazare movement last year and the protests that happened after this incident.
Politicians - the congressmen reactions have been alarming. They dont understand why the hell are we protesting, we arent politicians. P Chidambram to Sheila dixit to even Barkha dutt( she is one among them?) they all look at it as if it is some silly act.
But to me, this is the result of years of inaction, apathy. Congress still doesnt realise the shift in people's mood. It is too busy hiding its billions.
Here is to more such protests and an actual system change in the future.
1. Govt flew her to singapore and she got the best of the facility, couple of rape cases in the country - one of the 13 yr old girl who died in Tuticorin and another case in bihar are treated with prompt attention - these wouldnt have happened without the continuous protests in delhi. Thanks to all of them.
2. Name of the Girl hasnt come out till date. In a Country which routinely kills the like of Satyendra dubey( by releasimg his name from the very offices of the Prime Minister when he had specifically requested in the letter not to), this is a big big big step. But a basic one. Fundamental right.
3. Even with whole country protesting, if even one of the accused had been even remotely connected to congress party( like a politicans bil's cobrother's son), no arrest would have been made. These guys were nobody so were arrested immediately.
4. Journalist like barkha dutt would go around writing how people are protesting only because it is affecting the middle class so would the JNU graduates. Because middle class to them is a disgusting word. Not to me.
To me, this appears to have been a breaking point. There is only so much we can take.
On a side note, Ranbir kapoor should shut up on any non film related issue. I didnt know these dump grandkids of yester year hindi actors lived in utopia that can only exist for them. Next time ask him to accompany you to police station, enjoy the utopia.
5. Delhi is the worst when it comes to woman. As a woman who has gone through a lot at ages when she had no idea of what it is to be a woman, I would say of all the horror stories i hear from my friends from different corners of India, delhi is hands down the worst.
6. "Activists from women’s groups say it is important to speak of rape not as the ruination of a life, but as a horrific act that one can survive and move on from. “There is this tendency to equate rape with the end of the girl’s life, which sends a very counterproductive message,”
I will repeat this again and again, a crime was committed against a woman, she can survive and move on with life. I hardly see this, people in india still consider it as an end. It is an end to the perpetrator of the crime.
7. I dont think India needs stricter punishment against rape. The problem here is with the courts and policemen who dont do their job properly. Current laws do prescribe punishment for rape.
But, One of the opt repeated statement is men cant help it. There are loads of men who are perfectly able to control their urges. Women too.
It is for those Men who cant help, should be helped with castration. This is employed as a solution for perpetual sex offenders in USA. That is the only change in law that would be required.
This isnt a momentary emotional response but rather an analytical one.
9. There are some who point out the repressed attitude towards sex in India as a reason but I dont think these men would get any in any culture. It would involve charming a woman or atleast attracting her for a one night stand - psychos like these wont be able to pull that off.
10. Mob culture would lead to anarchy, lawlessness, innocent victims being affected and unnecessary property damage. We have already witnessed the effects through shiva sena's, PMK, DMK and other political parties antics.
Inspite of the above points, I feel good about India's protests through the anna hazare movement last year and the protests that happened after this incident.
Politicians - the congressmen reactions have been alarming. They dont understand why the hell are we protesting, we arent politicians. P Chidambram to Sheila dixit to even Barkha dutt( she is one among them?) they all look at it as if it is some silly act.
But to me, this is the result of years of inaction, apathy. Congress still doesnt realise the shift in people's mood. It is too busy hiding its billions.
Here is to more such protests and an actual system change in the future.
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