Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Inevitable ending of any internet discussion by Indians

You can start with pink/white Idli/dosa discussion on safety pin but IEIDBI law states that any discussion by Indians anywhere on the internet from 9/11, angelina jolie, jackie chan, to the moon to water why, even abracabradra will end with "you darky south indian - you racist Naarth Indian - southindiansdontspeakhindieventhoughtheyknowhowtospeak - we want separate nation - who wants you anyway - guysweareallonecountrymycatisnorthindianbutmydogissouthindian..........................................................................".


  1. This is exactly why I NEVER read discussions on the net.

  2. LOL! what exactly triggered this?

  3. Lakshmi:
    True. But then it is still an eye opener as well that these people exist!

    Ideally, it would be rediff but this time it was a comment space I normally enjy which is deteriorating these days :)

  4. well at least till the late nineties part of that argument was true. some of my friends from madras used to hate hindi big time.
